Nov 03

Stress Awareness: How to Recognise and Reduce Symptoms of Stress

What is Stress?

The NHS define stress as “the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure.”

Being stressed can influence how you think and feel and have an impact on both your mental and physical health.

What Causes Stress?

There are many causes of stress depending on the individual.  Stressful life events such as problems at work (e.g. being unhappy in your job, working long hours, poor management etc), or a problem with a relationship (e.g. death or divorce), moving home, chronic illness or emotional problems (depression, anger, low self-esteem), and financial problems can all lead to you feeling stressed.

Recognising the Signs of Stress

Some of the signs of stress you may experience are:

  • Low energy
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Headaches
  • Depressed
  • Stomach upsets
  • Anxious, nervous, or afraid
  • Insomnia

Ways to Reduce Stress

  • There are many simple practices and ways to reduce stress you can engage in, such as exercising, meditation, taking a relaxing bath, keeping a journal, or spending time with your family and friends.
  • Taking time out: unplug from the world, switch your phone off and take some well needed time in practising self-care.
  • Taking time to rest and sleep: when stressed, trying to sleep can be challenging. Creating a night time routine that allows us to feel relaxed, can be helpful towards gaining a peaceful nights sleep.


Organisations that help with Stress and Mental Health

Mind Infoline – 0300 123 3393 (text 86463)

The team at mind can provide information on stress and many types of mental health problems and provide information on where to get help, medications and talking treatment.

Workplace Mental Health Support Service – 0300 4568114

A confidential service delivered by Remploy in partnership with Access to Work to help you remain in work when you are experiencing mental health issues, depression, anxiety and/or stress.