Occupational Health Provider based in Aberdeen
We’ve been providing Occupational Health and Remote Medical Services in Aberdeen for over two decades and have a large number of Occupational Health services UK Wide. To find out if we can provide Occupational Health Services in Aberdeen, please call us on 01224 938083. Centrally based in the West End of Aberdeen, you can find us at: 14 Albert Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1XQ.
We provide a full range of Occupational Health Services and Remote Medical Services in Aberdeen and the North Sea including:
- Occupational Health Assessments/management referrals
- Fit to return to work
- Medical Advisory
- Topside / Remote Medical Support
- Offshore Medics
- Sickness and Absence Support
- Health Surveillance – on and off site
- Onsite Occupational Health Nurses
- OGUK Medicals
- Fit to Train Medicals
- Medivac Reviews
- Shoulder Measurements
- ERT Medicals part 1 & 2
- Fork Lift Truck Medicals
- Driver Medicals
- HGV/LGV Medicals
- Fitness to Work Medicals
- Counselling services
- Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
- Health and Well-being programmes
- Lunch and learn sessions
- Day One Absence Management
- Sickness and Absence Management
Established in October 1999 over two decades, we have built a partnership focused company based on excellent clinical practice and quality. We are a company that delivers and exceeds client expectations.
We take a partnership approach from day one, supporting companies with their requirements for Remote Medical Services, Occupational Health services and a range of Health and Wellbeing programmes. Our Employee Assistance Programme runs alongside Occupational Health and Remote Medical services in Aberdeen has proved to be very successful; many other Occupational Health providers don’t offer both and must contract the Employee Assistance Programme out to a third party.
If you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact us on info@mcl-medics.com or telephone 01224 938083, we would like to hear from you.