Occupational Health Assessments in Bristol

At MCL Medics, we understand the importance of a healthy and thriving workforce. Our team of experienced local occupational health professionals is committed to delivering personalised services tailored to the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re a small local business or a large corporation in Bristol, we’ve covered you for face-to-face occupational health services.

Our extensive range of Occupational Health Assessments include:

  • Face-to-face assessments at our clinics
  • Online assessment via our mobile secure video app
  • Developing a return-to-work plan

What is an occupational health assessment?

An occupational health assessment is necessary when there is concern about a worker’s health and work performance or when they have sickness absences.

Occupational health assessments are also called management referrals, sickness absence referrals, or return-to-work assessments.

While the patient’s GP might understand the health issues and the patient in question, they may not understand the work processes or hazards in the workplace. Additionally, the relationship between a GP and a patient is supportive and mainly supports the patient’s health over their work, which can create a conflict of interest.

An occupational health assessment is conducted by a nurse or doctor who has undergone additional training, qualification, and experience in occupational health and provides a work-focused, objective, and medically competent opinion.

When should we organise an occupational health assessment?

An occupational health assessment can be organised in the following instances:

  • When there’s a concern, the employee may have work-related health problems, or their health may be aggravated by their duties at work.
  • If the employee has difficulty coping on return after a prolonged absence following a serious illness or injury or due to disability.
  • If there are underlying health or disability affecting the performance of the employee
  • If there is a long-term sickness absence or frequent sickness absence within a short time.

Depending on the nature of the health issues, we can provide the assessment via a secure video link, face-to-face, or via telephone. For convenience and efficiency, many conditions can be discussed over a secure video link.

How do we make a referral to occupational health?

You can make a referral for an occupational health assessment if you’re concerned about an employee in your care by following these steps:

The first step is to discuss the reason for the referral with the employee and, where possible, get signed consent.

If the employee cannot sign the consent form but has agreed to the referral, a copy should be sent to the employee simultaneously and confidentially forwarded to occupational health.

Additional discussion and agreement regarding who else may require access to their occupational health report once received may be necessary and should occur before the referral.

An occupational health Referral Form provided by MCL Medics’ booking team must be completed by the referring manager and returned.

Occupational Health Assessment is a key part of the management of Sickness Absence

Management has the function of managing sickness absence, and the business must have an agreed-upon policy. The policy should be comparable with current legislation and what is agreed upon by unions and/or other employee representatives.

In the business’s sickness absence policy, there must be clearly defined steps where MCL Medics’ services and assistance will be necessary.

Employees absent through sickness or whose health affects their performance may place additional demands on their colleagues or the business. Managers could also require help determining if a health problem will impact an employee’s current or future ability.

Extensive evidence indicates that early intervention can facilitate return to work, allowing the best outcome for employees, managers and business owners.

Our approach to occupational health incorporates evidence-based concepts of vocational rehabilitation that include:

  • Developing a return to work plan
  • Identifying obstacles to work participation
  • Coordinating the key players (person-workplace-worker)
  • Providing work-focused information

Depending on the nature of the health issue, we can provide the occupational health assessment through various platforms in Bristol, including secure video link, or face-to-face.

Occupational Health Assessments in Bristol FAQs

How do we get the best advice from an occupational health assessment?

Your referral should include enough detail for an appropriate assessment. A detailed referral helps the clinician understand the nature of the employee’s work, determine whether aspects affect their health, and suggest any modifications or adjustments that could enable the employee to do their job safely.

Can the employees see the referral form?

All documents, including the referral form, must be copied to the employee if they request to see them. This complies with the GDPR subject access request process and the GMC medical/ethics guidelines. It’s good practice for employees to know what is included in the referral form before the consultation.

What information should NOT be in a referral form?

The management referral form should not include non-medical questions and specific contractual information. The contractual implications of these issues are a matter of management. Our OH clinicians only provide information regarding health issues within the workplace.

Will the occupational health report received be one-sided?

The report generated is impartial. However, the clinician relies on information provided beforehand, observations during the consultation or examination and what the employee tells them. Therefore, the referring manager must provide sufficient and precise information so the clinician has a balanced viewpoint.

Does the occupational health clinician have access to the employee’s medical records?

The clinician only has access to the information provided at the referral stage and anything the employee takes to the consultation.

At times, additional information may be required. In such instances, the reason will be explained to the employee. They must sign a consent form allowing their occupational health practitioner to approach their GP or hospital specialist.

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